Dreaming of a Beautiful Backyard
Everyone dreams of getting away from it all. For many, that means a home in the mountains, off the grid, with no neighbors for miles in any direction.
Several years ago, Elizabeth and Ron, found themselves ready to make that jump. After finding just the right location, property, and house, they made their move.
There was just one problem. The attempt at landscaping made by the former occupant left much to be desired. In fact, there wasn’t much that surrounded the home that could be called landscaping.
Ron and Elizabeth tried a few things, including wood chip mulch. The wood chips looked great at first, but after one season they were full of bugs and looked worse. The landscape certainly wasn’t bringing joy to their dream.

Finding the Right Landscape Partner
It was about this time that Elizabeth and Ron met Vince from Bennett Landscaping. Elizabeth had a basic idea of how she wanted to transform the area around the house, but working closely with Vincent brought a level of creativity that changed dream into reality.
American Stone was able to help Vince get the hardscape products needed to get things in motion.
There were a few things that Elizabeth thought were a little out of place. One in particular was a large boulder that seemed to dominate the project. Vince assured her it was going to work out fine, and he was right. It’s now the focal point of the change and Elizabeth’s favorite part of the landscape.
In fact, using rock materials provided some benefits beyond just looking great.
There is a seasonal stream that runs across their property, and they were able to build a rock retaining wall for erosion control.
A couple years ago, there was a range fire a half mile away. Being so far off on your own can make those events a little scary. When combined with drought tolerant planting and stone material can create a natural fire barrier.
We were thrilled to hear Ron and Elizabeth’s story of how the team of Bennett Landscaping and American Stone have helped their getaway turn into their own paradise. And Elizabeth says they aren’t finished yet. Her advice to someone looking at a similar project? Be patient — but it’s worth it.
Some Times, a Getaway Needs a Little Help